Matrix Safety and Compliance Ltd
Business Support and Advocacy
As the Principal of Matrix Safety and Compliance, my strapline is 'Safety starts with me' that is because safety thinking is a mindset as much as a process. Safety management is not about being risk averse, it's about being risk aware and understanding the appetite for, and tolerance of, risk within an individual business.
Health and safety do have paperwork requirements, but far more important is the communication mechanisms in place within and across teams. If you need to understand whether what you have in place is working for you and what else you need - that's where I come in. All businesses and teams are different, so I tailor the set-up to suit your needs. Themes that I see often:
- what is Health and safety governance? How do I do it?
- What communications and meetings do I need to have?
- I don't understand all this paperwork and struggle to use it
- Do I really have to do JSAs?
- We do safety with beer, is that OK?
How we work
We complete an initial review meeting, depending on the type of business we might just chat, or I might do a formal audit or evaluation. We then recommend actions to be taken and provide an estimate of cost. We work with you to suit your capacity and appetite to get the system working effectively, and then offer to return in a year to review where we are. We can offer a range of paper and electronic options and partner with several health and safety software providers, whilst still offering alternatives to suit the particular client's needs, appetite and budget.
About us
I am an Exemplar Global Certified ISO45001 OHSMS Auditor, and a qualified and experienced lead auditor in quality systems (ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100). I am also a UK Chartered (Professional) Engineer and member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) and an affiliate of the NZ Society of Safety Engineers. I am a professional member of NZ Institute of Safety Management (NZISM), where I volunteer on my branch committee, and listed on the Health and Safety New Zealand (HASANZ) Register.
The other member of the team is Caitlin Robertson. Cailtin has extensive experience with mining and oil in Western Australia, and construction here in NZ (Previously she worked for Sitesafe and Nailor Love). Caitlin is a construction and prequalification specialist.